Concept Proposal:
Coleshill Astronomical Public Observatory (CAPO)
Project manager Dave Evans has provided items of equipment to the value of £20,434 for initial installation at the Observatory.
Dave's interest in astronomy began as a fourth-year student at Central Grammar School. He found a book in the library titled O'Level Astronomy by Patrick Moore and after thumbing through the pages he was well and truly hooked! He sort permission from the Head-Teacher to form a small study group of classmates who would learn a chapter of the book each week. The group of students were promised that if they studied well they would be entered for the exam at end of term. The whole class passed with grades A to C.
Upon learning about the success of the study group, Patrick Moore invited Dave and his parents to spend the weekend at his home in Selsey Sussex. The weather was superb and everyone had a great time stargazing, playing cricket, and drinking cider. Patrick asked if he could nominate Dave for membership of the British Astronomical Association and the offer was accepted. After a short while, Dave became Analysis Coordinator of the Terrestrial Planets Section (Mercury, Venus and Mars) and also joined a local group, the Chelmsley Astronomical Society.
Over the years Dave's attention turned to comets. In particular, a special group of comets known as 'Sungrazers' that skim past the surface of the Sun and can only be found using the C2/C3 imaging systems of the SOHO Space Telescope. The science teams of NASA / LASCO designated Dave as a named observer of the instrument and in total he discovered 20 comets. At the time he was ranked 2nd in the UK and 16th in the world for all-time comet discoveries.
Today, Dave's main interest is H-Alpha Solar Photography. He images the Sun using a narrow-band filter centred on the hydrogen line of the spectrum. Dave's photographs have appeared on the cover of magazines, in television news reports, and are currently on display at observatories and learning centres around the world.
Now at age 61, Dave has decided to retire early to focus his attention on public outreach activities. In particular, the creation of a new astronomy society for Coleshill and North Warwickshire and to raise funds to build a Public Astronomical Observatory for shared use by local schools and the community.
For the past 18 years, Dave has been CMMS Controller and member of staff at SERTEC.
Observatory Telescope
Celestron 11” Edge HD Optical Tube Assembly £3,658.
Hyperstar Lens System £1,299.
CGEM Mount £1,500
Portable Telescopes & Equipment
Meade LX90 ACF 8” UHTC £1,740.
White Light Off-Axis Solar Filter £75
Coronado Solar Telescope (PST) £800.
Sky-Watcher Mount £169.
Solar Telescope
Vixen 80mm Refractor £349.
Coronado SPC900NC Webcam £25.
60mm H-Alpha Solar Filter £899
30mm Blocking Filter £2,110.
Cameras & Recording Equipment
Canon 60D £895.
Canon EFS 18-55mm £214.
Canon EF-S 55-250mm £299.
Imaging Source CCD Camera £520.
Meade Deep Sky Imager £300.
Compaq Laptop £1,200.
Sony FDR AX-53 4K Video Camera £749.
Photographic Accessories
Hand-held Camera Stabiliser £25.
Polaroid Filter Set and Close Up Filter Set £32
12kg Rangers Tripod £57
Exhibition Area
Video Projector £160.
LENOVO 27” Touch Screen PC Tablet £1,350.
Samsung Gear 360 & 128GB Memory Card, £258
Observatory Weather Station
Davis Vantage Vue + Console, £349
Control Computer + Keyboard + Mouse, £250
Science Corner For Kids
Examine a Moon Meteorite
and a Mars Meteorite
Bresser Microscope TRM-301, £795
Dark Field Condenser, £158
MikroCam 3MP, £199
Vixen/Coronado Solarscope
B7.4 flares captured in active
sunspot region 1271
C2.0 Solar Flare in Active Sunspot Region 1263
Sunspot Region 1236
Bright Prominences, with the size of our planet Earth shown to scale
Bright Prominences, with the size of our planet Earth shown to scale
Large Arch
Prominence. Our planet Earth shown to scale
Time-stamped sequence of an eruptive prominence
Sunspots and Filaments
Celestron 11" Edge HD
Andromeda Galaxy
Craters Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus and
Crater Plato and
the Alpine Valley
Hadley Rille and Apollo 15 Landing Site (red dot)
Crater Clavius
Crater Copernicus
Planet Mars
Globular Star Cluster M13